Captain Dean O. Trytten, US Navy Retired
After serving 30 years in the US Navy, Dean Trytten started Anchor to provide special high performance services and products to the private and public sector. Some of Dean Trytten’s experience follows:
US Congressional Record
Proceedings and Debates of the 104th Congress, 1st Session
of south carolina
in the house of representatives
Thursday, August 3, 1995
Mr. INGLIS. Mr. Speaker, today I pay tribute to an outstanding naval officer, Capt. Dean 0. Trytten, who is retiring from the U.S. Navy after 30 years of distinguished service. It is a pleasure to share with my colleagues just a few of his many accomplishments. Captain Trytten, raised in Lake Mills, IA, enlisted in the Navy in 1965 and was commissioned through the Navy’s NESEP Program. He was selected for the Navy’s NESEP Program while a student at Nuclear Power Training School in Windsor, CT.
A dedicated student, Captain Trytten received his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University [NCSU]. Later, he returned to school, and in 1982 he earned his master of science in mechanical engineering from the naval post graduate school in Monterey, CA. Captain Trytten was also awarded the prestigious “Top Snipe” award at SWOS Department Head School. Captain Trytten’s initial sea assignment was to the U.S.S. Cannole (DE 1056), where he served as main propulsion assistant. Subsequent sea tours included repair officer/engineering officer on the U.S.S. Portland (LSD 37), engineering officer on the U.S.S. Joseph Hewes (FF 1078) and maintenance manager/service life extension program [SLEP] coordinator on the U.S.S. Independence [CV 62].
During a period of rapidly changing force structures and declining resources, Captain Trytten served as ship superintendent at Philadelphia Naval Shipyard for the SLEP of U.S.S. Forrestal [CV 59], repair officer at SIMA San Diego, force maintenance officer at COMNAVSURFPAC, ship modernization and maintenance branch head at OPNAV, and most recently distinguished himself through exceptional meritorious service as special assistant for quality at the NAVSEA Inspector General’s office.
Captain Trytten has been awarded many decorations, including four Meritorious Service Medals, the Navy Commendation Medal, Battle Efficiency “E”, Good Conduct, and two National Defense, Humanitarian Service, and Sea Service Medals. Captain Trytten’s accomplishments during his service are in keeping with the finest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon him and the U.S. Navy.
Mr. Speaker, I ask you and my colleagues to join me in congratulating Capt. Dean Trytten on this momentous occasion. As Captain Trytten retires to Greenville, SC, I take this opportunity to express my gratitude for his faithful and dedicated service to the U.S. Navy and wish him my sincerest best wishes upon his retirement.
TopPost Certificate Notes:
Ships have web sites at:
- U.S.S. Connole (DE 1056)
- U.S.S. Portland (LSD 37)
- U.S.S. Joseph Hewes (FF 1078)
- U.S.S. Independence [CV 62]
- Dean Trytten also served while enlisted onboard the U.S.S. Nereus (AS-17) in San Diego, CA